Sunday, May 4, 2014

Repurposing Code

Before going back to school for software engineering, I spent almost fifteen years in the restaurant industry.  One of the terms that chefs like to throw around is "repurposing" food; this is where you take the components left over from previous dishes and put them together to make something entirely new.

My family is currently in the midst of moving.  I'm not getting much done on my current projects, because they're all at points that require a lot of focusing, and I don't have time fore that.  What I do have is a lot of short sporadic bursts of time.  So I decided to issue myself a challenge: could I repurpose code from some of my other projects to create an entirely new game?

I'm keeping it simple for this challenge, so the goal is to make something similar to Sega's classic arcade game Pengo.  To work with, I've got the game engine from Wizard's Scroll, which already includes code for pushing blocks, and the random maze generating algorithm I wrote for Lore.  (Of course, one's in Python and one's in JavaScript, but hey, let's not make it too easy, right?)  So, "all" I have to do is take the parts I need, rewrite them to work together, and then add in enemies.

I just started it this afternoon.  Not very far yet, but who knows?  Maybe I'll finish it up and throw it on Kongregate.....

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