Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mom, I'm Home

(Note: this screenshot contains placeholder graphics.  Most notably, the sprite for the boy is actually Mike from NES game Zoda's Revenge.  Obviously this is not permanent.)

As I mentioned in the last post, Mom I'm Home is a very personal project for me.  As a kid, I spent a lot of time playing video games, but I also spent a lot of time exploring the world around me.  It always fascinated me how small everything seemed in video games.  Doorways are just big enough for one person to squeeze through, beds are exactly the same size as the person who sleeps in them.  As a child, the world looked huge to me - a car was easily as big (and as dangerous) as any boss monster.  There were lots of houses and sidewalks in my neighborhood, but also lots of streams and forested areas.  I'm really enjoying taking the way I saw the world as a kid - both the real parts and the imagined parts - and turning it into something for people to enjoy.

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