Friday, March 14, 2014

Update on Current Projects

Untitled Sokobon
My sokobon (formerly called "Star Wand") is still progressing very nicely!  It's getting the bulk of my attention at the moment.  The plan is to release it as a free download with 100 rooms and a level editor.  We'll see how feasible that turns out to be.

Mom I'm Home
I'm still working on this game when I have free time, but I'm well aware that it's a big project that will take a long time to finish, so for right now I'm focusing on smaller projects that I can have up and running in the near future, and saving this game for when I can give it the time and attention it deserves.  I will say, however, that my wife and I will be spending this summer in my hometown, so it wouldn't surprise me if I get hit with a rush of inspiration.

Haven't mentioned it here yet, but this is a roguelike I started fourth quarter 2013, probably around October.  About once a month I dust it off and work on it a little.  It's a long way from where I'd like to ideally take it, but I was surprised, looking at it recently, to see that it's a lot closer to being in a playable, presentable form then I had remembered.  Maybe I can put a little polish on it and get it online one of these days.

Clueball is a game in the match-3 genre, except instead of matching three, you're counting to ten.  I'm very proud of it, and would like to apply a couple coats of paint and Facebook functionality at some point.  This is probably my first priority (besides possibly Lore) once I get Untitled Sokobon completed.

Monkeys in the Playground
MITP is an educational site I launched summer of last year, and while I'm pleased with the work I put into it, I'm taking it down soon.  Of the three games it has, one is a silly art program, one is a half-finished platformer I did entirely in a game-creation program (not too proud of that), and one is Clueball.  While I'm still very interested in developing educational games as a career, I've decided not to pigeonhole myself as I work on my portfolio.  Plus, I finally got around to showing it to some actual children, and they all thought the name was silly (insert smiley face icon to denote humor here).

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